Dave Woods - Freelance Web Design Warwickshire

100+ RSS Feeds for Freelance Web Designers

Keeping up with the latest news, trends and techniques is all part of being a freelance web designer and with RSS feeds, the task is made much easier by simply subscribing to the most useful content.

However, finding the good RSS feeds from the bad ones is often a time consuming task so below is a list of useful feeds that I personally subscribe to in order to keep up to date.

This list contains a variety of feeds including general web design, HTML/CSS guides, advice, tutorials and news, Photoshop tips and freebies as well as plenty of useful advice for freelancers.

Also at the end of this list is a link to the OPML file which can be imported into your RSS reader.

If you’d like to subscribe to all these feeds then simply download the OPML file below and import it into your RSS feed reader.

Download OPML RSS Feed

And of course, if you have any other RSS feeds that are related to the web design industry then feel free to post them in the comments below.

23 comments on “100+ RSS Feeds for Freelance Web Designers

  1. Tristan

    Amazing list. Many sites never heard.

    Also missing some cool ones like webresourcesdepot.com or komodomedia.com.

  2. Dave Post author

    Hi Tristan, I do actually visit web resources depot quite frequently but don’t have it in my RSS reader so that’s one I’ll defintely be adding 🙂

  3. Dave Post author

    Hi Martin, I don’t read everything that comes in which is why it’s important when writing articles to make sure that the title is catchy and desribes the content well 🙂 If I see a title that interests me then I’ll read it, if not then I’ll simply ignore it. I also make sure I have an hour at the beginning of each day to go through my feeds and keep upto date with the industry 🙂

  4. Ibrahim

    Hi Dave,

    Thanks for this list. I have imported the opml file into my reader. Interestingly we had around 10 subscriptions in common. By the way, I am Ibrahim and I just joined the web-designing club 🙂

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  10. Pingback: Tagz | "Dave Woods - Freelance Web Designer UK » 100+ RSS Feeds for Freelance Web Designers" | Comments

  11. @stuartflatt

    Good list, but farrrrr to many for me to keep track off! I am now relying on your twitter account for the best ones dave, don’t disappoint!! 😀

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